Ok, I didn't get the first version of the iphone so I could get the 3g version. Overall I'm impressed, but seems to lack some intelligence when u get a product from apple. Here are a few cases.
- 3G sucks battery like crazy. Even with 3G off, Wifi off, and using it as a simple phone it doesn't last more than a day and half.
- with 3G on and if the signal is weak, it's not switching to edge. Insted ur phone quits working unless u switch 3g off manually
- they should really turn on 3G or WIfi on or off on demand right when an app needs it. That could save pwr significantly and save going to settings like 20 times a day.
- atleast make battery easily replaceable
- ability to make custom rtones should be free. There is one for iMac (garage band), but would love to have that on PC as well
- need some way to cut/paste. Dam, it was even on windoZ ce
But all said Iam afraid it's still a cool product..
Some apps I like
- papikump (game)
- tetris
- palringo (im that connects to everything)
- facebook, twiterrific, photobucket
- shazam ((it's really cool, finds even my Tamil songs). Beats midori to dust for being a free app.
- iphunny
- vnc
I won't return it though. Although it could be better
That's it for now